> The rooms!

Entry (here) :cyndaquill:



Livingroom (gallery)

Bedroom (my ocs)

The attic (interests)

The kitchen (cooking recipes)

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Welcome to my cottage! I'm currently working on a makeover for the site but that doesn't mean I can't introduce myself

You can all me Moss the caribou, I'm a 20yo italian furry artist, I made this site to show my art, interests and most important my ocs ^^ Also because I'm not a fan of social medias, I mostly use them to see other people art and to post mine, but I still prefer having a special place for me

Have fun exploring the rooms of my cottage! And fell free to eat something in the while!...Oh! And be silly!

Mood:The current mood of moss_darling at www.imood.com

It's tamaNOTchi! Click to feed!

To do list: Being productive

Cool sites you have to check out!

My wonderful partner

and also mine if you want to add to yours ^^

Button for wasongo.art

5/15/2024:The attic was created!


5/2/2024:Started working on a page about me!

4/30/2024:New look for the page!

3/11/2024:new background!

10/28/2023:Characters page was created

10/1/2023:The gallery was created

9/20/2023:New scrollbar

9/4/2023:Added the updates!

7/27/2023:Site created

@TheMossCottage 2023-till I die, Powered by Neocities